wherein a lot of wine was spilled.

rosie, marina, clio, me and ann  (photo by peter)

rosie, marina, clio, me and ann (photo by peter)

at dinner last night, not only did we all order the same thing, but the waiter was forced to bring three extra glasses of wine to compensate for the two that ann spilled all over me.

that’s a pretty good night, right? (as peter said, “i guess we know who the gesticulators are at this table!”)

Devra and Ann

AND there was the biggest piece of chocolate cake i’ve ever seen in my life.

instigated by ann, clio, peter, ann, rosie, marina and i all met up at a cafe in the garment district. (where, i should mention, i stopped at mood on the way. so much for trying to buy less fabric in 2013!) and i come away once again amazed at how easy it is to spend half the night laughing with people i don’t necessarily “know” when we all share a common passion in sewing (and, to a lesser extent, blogging, styling, and being creative in general).

Peter and Marina

i have to admit that i’ve really come to treasure these chances to meet up with fellow enthusiasts and hope that 2013 has as many of them as possible. i’m fortunate to have a very robust local community of great bloggers (and great people) and look forward to more chances to spend time arguing over everything from project runway to the pros and cons of the new paron’s space, not to mention a shared love of white featherweights and a detailed commentary on the (awesome) aesthetics of clio’s stunning red slip photo shoot.

yesterday had one more milestone for me that i am super stoked about…


my last WIP from 2012.

…a clean slate.  more on that later.

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23 Responses to wherein a lot of wine was spilled.

  1. Clio says:

    My thoughs:
    – at least it was white wine
    – I know now what I’d serve at a sewing dinner party
    – I’m not sure which one of us is a worse influence when it comes to ordering dessert
    – the first thought in my head this morning was a jealous one over your hat
    – you witnessed Peter offer me black silk knit fabric, right? I didn’t imagine it?
    – Phin is now referring to you as “the ringleader” of sewing get togethers
    – do I wear my leather jacket to (gulp) next week’s class?

    • Clio says:

      Oh! And I can’t wait to to see more of your last 2012 WIP!

    • puu says:

      – totally glad it was white wine AND that i didn’t run in to my neighbor katie on my way home
      – by which you obviously mean cake 🙂
      – i am just glad i had a partner in crime, because i was getting cake no matter what
      – i love that everyone loved my hat
      – i will totally back you up if peter refuses to pay the piper on that one!
      – i’ve been called worse 🙂
      – tough call! i am always scared to wear me-makes when i see kenneth and/or susan. NO IDEA WHY.

    • I definitely heard Peter offer you the black silk knit!

  2. Hey! Rosie spilled the glass of wine all over you. *I* spilled my glass all over Rosie! 🙂

  3. Rosie says:

    LOL I’m pleading the 5th about the wine. We were quite a group and it was a lot of fun. As for the cake, when it toppled over on it’s side on the plate, all I heard was THUD! Dense was not the word for that cake. We need to do this again soon.

  4. oonaballoona says:

    it seems to me there’s some sort of honor in being doused twice with wine. you were like the offering to the sewing gods.

    it looks and sounds like y’all had a blast, i wish i could have dragged my tired feet there!!! and i think i recognize rosie from susan khalje’s lace class :))

    • puu says:

      LOVE IT. yes, i AM an offering to the sewing gods. that is how i will look at it the next time ann or rosie comes at me with a glass of pinot. 🙂

  5. gingermakes says:

    Ahhhhhhhhhh, wish I had been there! I promise I wouldn’t have spilled wine on you. Next time! 😀

    I can’t wait to hear more about that fab-looking dress you’re teasing us with!

  6. Pingback: joy and rapture (vogue 1174) | puu's door of time

  7. Debi says:

    Sounds like a fabulous meet-up and I probably would have spilt wine on you too! lol. I can gesticulate with the best of them 😉 Where the photo of the hat??

  8. Houseofpinheiro says:

    Met ups are so precious

  9. nettie says:

    I was SO crushed to miss this!! It looks like you guys had a blast!

  10. Sewer says:

    Is there are a reason you didn’t provide the name of the restaurant? It looks pleasant.

    I assume it’s unintentional, but posts like this, along with the comments from your friends, come off as cliquey.

    • puu says:

      we were at the market cafe in the garment district/hell’s kitchen.

      i’m sorry if you feel that it is inappropriate, but i think that part of what makes our community so amazing is that in-person meetups tend to be exactly as much fun as we all secretly hope they would be, in addition to being a great opportunity to meet new people and share those experiences. in fact, that interaction is a large part of why i began to post my propjects online.

      personally, i look forward to reading other people’s acocunts of meetups because it makes me feel (even more than i already do) our online community is a real one.

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